Join local authors, playwrights, and performers Paul David Power and Bernardine Ann Teráz Stapleton as they launch their new books, Crippled and love, life, with host Danielle Irvine on Wednesday, October 6th at 7 p.m.! 


Paul Power’s play, CRIPPLED, has garnered awards and glowing reviews for his portrayal of his experiences as a person living with a disability. Now in a published form, his story of challenge, loss, and redemption presents universal themes and emotions told through a voice that is not often heard in the mainstream. Though dark and mournful, there is a thread of hope in the way the characters share their lives and memories, underlining both differences and similarities in experience. In highlighting his own personal turmoil, Power evokes empathy and introspection in his audience. From childhood conflicts to overwhelming adult loss and grief, from despair to hope, Crippled presents the commonality of our inner struggles with personal demons, framed against our exterior struggles with the perceptions of others.

Do you love life? In this hilarious frolic through the hills of Italy, our heroine discovers the past is never really gone: it runs beside us our entire lives, just waiting to bite us in the arse. LOVE, LIFE is a made-up true fable about coming out, going back in, getting fat, Italian food, and stalking the Piazzo Bernardini. It’s a haunting love story, transcending decades, countries, and heartbreak. A Newfoundlander in Italy offers the humour, optimism, and romantic yearning the world needs now.

Pick up your copies at our shop in St. John's at 1 Stamps Lane, from your favourite independent bookstore, or order online from our website!

Learn more about Crippled.
Learn more about love, life.

This virtual event is FREE and will be livestreamed via Zoom and Facebook Live

We've got a busy weekend of signings! Don't miss your chance at getting these great books signed by our wonderful authors TOMORROW, October 2nd!

Heidi Wicks signing Melt at Chapters St. John's (70 Kenmount Road), 12-2 p.m.
Paul David Power signing Crippled at Coles Village Mall (430 Topsail Road), 1-3 p.m.
Saqamaw Mi'sel Joe & Sheila O'Neill signing My Indian at Chapters St. John's (70 Kenmount Road), 2-4 p.m.
We can't wait for the St. John's Farmer's Market Book Fair this Sunday! Check out the schedule below for a chance to hear some great readings from Breakwater authors and swing by the Breakwater table to get your books signed.

You could also be entered to WIN a copy of Land of Many Shores: Perspectives from a Diverse Newfoundland and Labrador pre-publication! Visit our table for more info!

10:45-11:00 Sharon King-Campbell, author of This Is How It Is
11:15-11:30 Sheilah Lukins, author of Bottoms Up: A History of Alcohol in Newfoundland and Labrador and Once Upon an Iceberg: Errol's Twillingate Adventure
12:30-12:45 Tori Oliver, contributing author to upcoming anthology Land of Many Shores: Perspectives from a Diverse Newfoundland and Labrador
1:15-1:30 Prajwala Dixit, contributing author to Us, Now: Stories from the Quilted Collective
Nicholas Ruddock and his new book, Last Hummingbird West of Chile, will be featuring at the Eden Mills Writers' Festival on October 7th at 8 p.m. EST alongside Omar El Akkad (What Strange Paradise), Jael Richardson (Gutter Child), and Kim Thúy (Em)!

Reviews & Features

Editor Ainsley Hawthorn and Land of Many Shores: Perspectives from a Diverse Newfoundland and Labrador were featured on CBC Newfoundland Morning this week! 

Paul David Power and his play, Crippled, will be featured on CHMR's the Write Project Podcast on Monday, October 4th!

"[Once Upon an Iceberg by Sheilah Lukins] offers an opportunity for children to envision scenes on their own, but also helps to guide them with the imagery included. Each chapter keeps you wanting to read more and leaves you wondering what other adventures Errol may be on to next."

― Melanie Métivier, The Miramichi Reader