Mischief in High Places: The Life and Times of Sir Richard Squires
Bottoms Up
Bottoms Up
Hell's Flames to Heaven's Gate
The Invisibles
The Invisibles
Jack Fitzgerald's Treasury of Newfoundland Stories, Volume III
Robert Bond
Robert Bond
Rum-runners and Mobsters
Rum-runners and Mobsters
Jack Fitzgerald's Treasury of Newfoundland Stories, Volume II
The Long Run
The Long Run
Jack Fitzgerald's Treasury of Newfoundland Stories, Volume I
When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining
Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and Labrador, vol 2: Notre Dame Bay to Petty Harbour
Peculiar Facts and Tales of Newfoundland
Life Lines
Life Lines
Bridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap
Newfoundland's Era of Corruption
Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and Labrador, vol 1
In The Field
In The Field
Other Side of Midnight, The
Other Side of Midnight, The
Spring Rice Document, The
Spring Rice Document, The
Heroes and Rogues and the Story of Heart's Content
St. John's
St. John's
Lookout, The
Lookout, The
Giant's Dream
Giant's Dream
Battlefront Newfoundland
Battlefront Newfoundland
Island Maid
Island Maid
Known Unto God
Known Unto God
Remarkable Stories of Newfoundland
Connecting the Continents
Connecting the Continents
A Trip to Labrador
A Trip to Labrador
The Beothuk
The Beothuk
Silk Sails
Silk Sails
The Jack Ford Story
The Jack Ford Story
Peril on the Sea
Peril on the Sea
A Corner Boy Remembers
A Corner Boy Remembers
The Miners of Wabana
The Miners of Wabana
Charlie Baker George
Charlie Baker George
Untold Stories
Untold Stories
The Sinking of The Titanic
The Sinking of The Titanic
Beyond Belief
Beyond Belief
Viking Discovery of America
Viking Discovery of America
Hangman is Never Late, The
Hangman is Never Late, The
Suspended State
Suspended State
The Labradorians
The Labradorians
John Cabot and the Matthew
Twentieth Century Newfoundland
The Ice Hunters
The Ice Hunters
The Two Traditions
The Two Traditions
The Beothuk of Newfoundland
The Beothuk of Newfoundland
Rattles and Steadies
Rattles and Steadies
Fish Out of Water
Fish Out of Water
Amazing Newfoundland Stories
The German Canadians 1750-1937
The Lure of the Labrador Wild
Forty Eight Days Adrift
Forty Eight Days Adrift