More than anything else, Sebastian wants to see the whales. One night he hides away on whaling ship headed for the New World.
Susan Chalker Browne is an award-winning writer, journalist and teacher. Hey Freddy! It's Canada's Birthday is her eighth book for children. Her other books include Marconi's Secret, The Amazing Adventures of Captain Bob Bartlett, At Ocean's Edge, The Land of a Thousand Whales and her most recent, Freddy's Day at the Races. Her books Thomas Doucet - Hero of Plaisance and Goodness Gracious, Gulliver Mulligan were each named Canadian Children's Book Centre "Our Choice" selections.
ISBN: 9781897174081
Item Publish Date: 2006 / 10 / 14
Measurements: 7.5 in X 5 in X 0.31 in
Weight: 0.3 kg
Page Count: 32