In the fictional village of Rocky Point, Cape Breton, just after WWII, the Briar family keeps a secret. Locked in his room, Joseph Briar, a child with visible and non-visible disabilities, is hidden from the community. And what Alfie Johns discovers through Joseph’s window will lead him to love and a future framing beauty in photographs. Harkening back to Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden, Beatrice MacNeil reveals the destructive power of shame and the redemptive power of art.
ISBN: 9781550816617 , 9781550816686
Item Publish Date: 2016 / 11 / 30
Measurements: 8 in X 5 in X 1 in
Weight: 0.5 kg
Page Count: 312
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