In this Newfoundland "Twelve Days of Christmas," Chris Moose loves to go mummering. But everyone, from 2 giggling geese to 12 blushing beavers, see through his festive costume. With bobbles, lights and garlands, Chris' disguise grows more and more elaborate until he begins to wonder if he will ever find a way to keep his true identity from his friends!
Lisa Dalrymple lives in Fergus Ontario with her husband and their three children. She has written other books for Creative, including If It's No Trouble... A Big Polar Bear and Bubbly Troubly Polar Bear. Her picture book, Skink on the Brink, was a Starred Selection in Best Books for Kids and Teens, Fall 2013 and it won the 2011 Writing for Children Award of The Writers' Union of Canada. David Sturge is a graphic designer and illustrator who was born and raised in St. John's, Newfoundland where he currently resides. He studied commercial art and graphic design at The College of The North Atlantic. David has previously illustrated, On Poppy's Beach (Creative, 2013).
ISBN: 9781771030502
Item Publish Date: 2014 / 09 / 30
Measurements: 8.5 in X 8.5 in X 0 in
Weight: 0.15 kg
Page Count: 32