Captain Joe Barbour was born in Newton, Bonavista Bay, in 1898. He began sailing as a boy and at the age of twenty-one he first became master of a vessel. For many years he sailed the treacherous waters of Newfoundland's Northeast coast, carrying provisions from St. John's to the outports. In 1932, while on one of these voyages in his three mastered schooner, Neptune II, he was driven off course across the Atlantic to the coast of Scotland by several storms. His thrilling story is the subject of this book.
Captain Job Barbour was born in Newton, Bonavista Bay, in 1898. He began sailing as a boy and at the age of twenty-one he first became master of a vessel. For many years he sailed the treacherous waters of Newfoundland’s Northeast coast, carrying provisions from St. John’s to the outports. In 1932, while on one of these voyages in his three masted schooner, Neptune II, he was driven off course across the Atlantic to the coast of Scotland by several storms. His thrilling story is the subject of this book.
ISBN: 9780919519336
Item Publish Date: 1981 / 06 / 30
Measurements: 9 in X 6 in X 17 mm
Weight: 0.4 kg
Page Count: 256