Free Wind Home carries the reader full circle through a childhood rooted in a sleepy Newfoundland outport with nineteenth century traditions, existing in a twentieth century world of war and uncertain politics. It is a visceral tale full of the tangible wonders of discovery and play, the fulfilling simplicity of nature, and the sometimes frightening shifts and changes life holds in store.
Gary Saunders was born in northeast Newfoundland and received a B.Sc. in forestry from the University of New Brunswick and a bachelor of fine arts from Mount Allison University in 1965. He lectured at Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland for two years. His published works include Rattles and Steadies, Alder Music, and Wildlife of Atlantic Canada and New England. He has also written the Atlantic Provinces Book Review. Gary currently lives and works in Nova Scotia.
ISBN: 9781550812312 , 9781550812886
Item Publish Date: 2007 / 11 / 06
Measurements: 8.00 in X 5.00 in X .75 in
Weight: 0.375 kg
Page Count: 271