Gaddy’s Story is a delightful children’s story of the first weeks in the life of an Atlantic cod. Gaddy, now a tiny codfish, reflects on his humble beginnings. Nadine Osmond’s animated sketches are complemented by genuine cod embryo photographs taken under a microscope.
She developed her love of Marine Biology as a young girl while exploring the tidepools of the Cornish coast with her father during the summer holidays. Between 1968 and 1977 she lived on the isle of Anglesey, studying marine biology at the University of North Wales where she obtained a B.Sc and Ph.D. in Marine Science. In 1987, Sally came to Newfoundland with her husband and two children.
ISBN: 9781550811056
Item Publish Date: 1995 / 07 / 07
Measurements: 7.5 in X 7.5 in X 7.5 in
Weight: 0.2 kg
Page Count: 48
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