Against the background of the English-Acadian conflict, we follow the adventures of two young people - Paul, and Acadian boy, and his devoted friend, Swift Arrow, and Indian who once saved his life. Smoke Over Grand Pré provides a glimpse into the lives of people who lived during the period that led up to the Acadian deportation. The eviction of Acadians from Nova Scotia by the English gove ment represents an important chapter in the history of Nova Scotia and of Canada. Extensive research by the authors Marion Davison and Audrey Marsh, both of Nova Scotia, provides historic detail in this exciting novel.
ISBN: 9781550812060
Item Publish Date: 2004 / 06 / 09
Measurements: 7 in X 5.25 in X 14 mm
Weight: 0.3 kg
Page Count: 240
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