With generations of knowledge compiled in its pages, the sailor will find this marine weather guide to be an individual reference tool for years to come. Simplified climatology illustrates the extreme variability of marine weather in the region. A comprehensive section detailing the known weather conditions from Nain, on the northe coast of Labrador, to Cape Sable, on the southe tip of Nova Scotia, explains their rapidly changing and often dangerous nature - an indispensable book of today's sailor. Canada's East Coast has some of the harshest and most fickle weather in the world. From the gusty fjords of Labrador to the fog banks off Southe Nova Scotia, marine weather is a fact of life for those who work, live, and travel on the seas. Whether you're a weekend sailor or a seasoned mariner, Where the Wind Blows will help you better predict common weather hazards and conditions, and get the most out of marine weather forecasts. With nearly 400 full-color maps, diagrams and photographs, this guide is an indispensable tool for safe and well-informed passage through Atlantic Canada's waters. Environment Canada senior meteorologist Peter J. Bowyer has compiled a comprehensive and up-to-date work that translates the complexities of marine weather in Atlantic Canada.
Peter has been with the Meteorological Service of Canada for many years. He is the author of two books on Atlantic Canada marine weather East Coast Marine Weather Manual and Where the Wind Blows.
ISBN: 9781550811193
Item Publish Date: 1995 / 04 / 30
Measurements: 11 in X 8.5 in X 13.00 mm
Weight: 0.73 kg
Page Count: 212