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Pride Month!
Posted By: Donna Francis | Posted On:
International Children's Day
Today is International Children's Day! Breakwater Books has a large collection of books for children and young readers. The Moon King by Cara Kansala is great for very young readers while All Around the Circle, illustrated by Cara Kansala and Max Dorey, has fun illustrations and poems for early readers. The Tales of Dwipa by Prajwala Dixit and illustrated by Duncan Major, tells ancient Indian stories in a setting familiar to Canadians, and Shiny and New by Robert Chafe and illustrated by Grant Boland is a festive book for middle grade readers.
Check out our website for all of our children's and young adult fiction.
New Releases!
Aaron McInnis is one happy baker standing next to the newly delivered pallet of books! Happy Belly: The Cake Book is now available at bookstores, and watch our social media, or Chef Aaron's Man versus Cake socials for future signings!
Coming Soon
The Wards by Terry Doyle will be out this month!
This unsettling, at times hilarious novel explores the instability of nuclear families and the depths of dysfunction.
Family is family—you don’t get to choose.
So what, exactly, do you get to choose?
Pre-order at your favourite bookstore!
This unsettling, at times hilarious novel explores the instability of nuclear families and the depths of dysfunction.
Family is family—you don’t get to choose.
So what, exactly, do you get to choose?
Pre-order at your favourite bookstore!
LBGTQ Pride Month
Throughout June and July, Breakwater will be highlighting out LBGTQ2IA+ authors on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All of our Queer Lit has been collected on our website.
Here is a small collection of our fiction, Jackytar by Douglas Gosse, Even Weirder Than Before by Susie Taylor, the winner of the 2022 PEI Book Awards, The Blue Moth Motel by Olivia Robinson, and Love, Life by Bernardine Ann Teráz Stapleton.
Love for our Authors!
“Crippled offers healing catharsis to anyone who has ever lost someone they loved. It is both a brave and honest personal journey and a moving testament to the real-life Jonathan to whom the book is dedicated.”
"An inherently entertaining compendium of adapted animal stories, each with an important underlying social value, "The Tales Of Dwipa" by author/storyteller Prajwala Dixit and artist/illustrator Duncan Major, is a unique and unreservedly recommended addition to family, elementary school, and community library collections for young readers ages 9-12."
“My Indian was a great novel. Because of the knowledge it provides to readers, I thought this book was fantastic. Understanding how the indigenous peoples would travel across the country in search of food, other communities, and ways to live. The knowledge about First Nations and their cultural practices that this book provided was my favorite part of it. Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction, Native American history, or simply wants to learn more.”
- Naequan, Digitally Lit Youth Ambassador
“I’ve read a few @trudyjmorgancole novels and I love her interesting characters and good stories that focus on the lives of women. This book is no different with a galloping plot and a focus on the untold stories of the women who came to Newfoundland in the late 1600s. Some fact. Some fiction. History. Witchcraft. Colonization. Pirates. Lust and love. The story is suspenseful and addictive. The second in the trilogy is ordered.”
World Oceans Day
The ocean has been a part of the lives of Newfoundlanders, Labradoreans, and the Indigenous of this place for generations. Of course the ocean is important to our writing. The Luminous Sea by Melissa Barbeau is a fiction about researchers who find something new in Newfoundland waters, and Lost in Newfoundland by Michael Windsor photographs our communities, bays, and icebergs. The wildlife of the ocean has shaped us as people. Some non-fiction recommendations include Cod: The Ecological History of the North Atlantic Fisheries by George A. Rose and Fish Out Of Water: The Newfoundland Saltfish Trade 1814-1914 by Shannon Ryan.