When Issac, the bob-tailed cat, is being beat up by the backyard bullies, Gus, the seagull, comes to the rescue. Bullies roam the backyards of downtown St. John’s, scaring and picking on everyone they find. So, when Isaac the bob-tailed cat moves into a house in the neighbourhood, you know he’ll be the next target. It’s only by forging an unlikely friendship with Gus the seagull, who’s afraid of heights, that the two can face their fears and stand up to the backyard bullies.
Debbie Hanlon is the mother of three children who finally left home, giving her time to write. She lives in St. John’s with her husband and three cats.
ISBN: 9781550813630
Item Publish Date: 2011 / 11 / 29
Measurements: 9.5 in X 9.5 in X .5 in
Weight: 0.17 kg
Page Count: 32