In twelve dialed-in and exceptionally honed short stories, Terry Doyle presents an enduring assortment of characters channelled through the chain reactions of misfortune and redemption. A construction worker’s future is bound to a feckless and suspicious workmate. A young woman’s burgeoning social activism is constrained by hardship and the desperation of selling puppies online. A wedding guest recognizes a panhandler attending the reception. And a man crafts a concealed weapon with which to carry out his nightly circuit of paltry retribution. Through keen-eyed observation, and with an impressive economy of statement, Doyle conveys these characters over a backdrop of private absurdities and confusions—countering the overbearance of a post-tragic age with grit, irony, and infinitesimal signs of hope.
Terry Doyle is a writer from the Goulds, Newfoundland. Winner of the 2017 Percy Janes First Novel Award, and finalist for the 2017 NLCU Fresh Fish Award, his work has appeared in Riddle Fence, Papermill Press, and the Newfoundland Quarterly.
Alistair MacLeod Prize for Short Fiction-2020
Danuta Gleed Literary Award-2020
Newfoundland and Labrador Book Awards, Fiction Category-2020
The Relit Awards-2020
Margaret and John Savage First Book Award, Fiction Category-2020
ISBN: 9781550817591 , 9781550817607
Item Publish Date: 2019 / 04 / 01
Measurements: 8 in X 5.25 in X 0.5 in
Weight: 0.4 kg
Page Count: 184