Gander is one of the best known small towns in the world, especially among weste and easte Europeans. Russians know it with familiarity. This book is not about Gander, however, despite its notoriety; rather it conce s the great wilde ess that surrounds Gander, the magnificent Gander River, laden with salmon; the limitless forests abounding with game. Much has been written about the seafaring Newfoundlander and his exploits on the bay, bight, tickle or sea, but literally nothing has been written about the Newfoundlander as a woodsman. This book then, fills that tremendous gap and gives us, through the life-long experiences of one man, all the excitement, lure and love that a preoccupation with the land can bring.
Gary Saunders was born in northeast Newfoundland and received a B.Sc. in forestry from the University of New Brunswick and a bachelor of fine arts from Mount Allison University in 1965. He lectured at Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland for two years. His published works include Rattles and Steadies, Alder Music, and Wildlife of Atlantic Canada and New England. He has also written the Atlantic Provinces Book Review. Gary currently lives and works in Nova Scotia.
ISBN: 9780919519732
Item Publish Date: 1986 / 03 / 31
Measurements: 9 in X 6 in X 22.00 mm
Weight: 0.4 kg
Page Count: 288